The professional product of the Art & Tech line dedicated to technical - multifunctional modulations associated with neutral and alkaline products. Controlcolor acts on the hair in two specific ways to facilitate its technical processing. It can be used to obtain an insulating or thickening function according to one's needs.
The product for technical-multifunctional modulations in association with neutral and alkaline products.
It increases the viscosity of the technical product in favor of the needs of use.
Allows you to use different coloring formulas, placing the strands directly in contact and therefore preventing color transfer.
Allows you to place colored locks in contact with NON-colored hair, as long as previously moistened with controlColor.
How to use SUGGESTED DOSE for Innovationevo - KeratinColor - White Meches - White Meches cream - KeratinDeco: MIX in the ratio 10:1 (10%) calculated on creams or powders before adding the oxidant, which in turn will have to be determined considering only the quantity of the dye cream. Example: 100 gr Innovationevo + 150 gr Oxygen + 10 gr ControlColor.
SUGGESTED DOSE for COLORTRIBE MIX in the ratio 10:1.5 (15%) Example: 100 gr COLORTRIBE (Hair Color) with 15 gr controlColor.
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